The Music of David Salminen

Archive for March, 2014

Experiences in Synchronicity

An intriguing idea on how to listen to music – simple and direct – from the Ukranian-born composer Thomas de Hartmann (1885-1956): “Look into the depths of eternity.” David Salminen’s concert today, 3 pm March 30, 2014, at the Portland Piano Company in Portland, Oregon, will afford circumstances conducive to practicing that kind of listening. Join us if you can! But if you can’t, and you’re nonetheless interested in listening to music more effectively – drop me a line. Maybe we can find a way to chat about it. Portland Piano Company, 711 SW 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97205
Donations to help make additional events more feasible are gratefully accepted.
For more information, call 503.762.6387


David’s Spring concert – Sunday, March 30, 2014

DAVID SALMINEN – in concert – cosmic piano improvisations

Experiences in Synchronicity

Sunday, March 30, 2014, 3 pm – 430 pm

Portland Piano Company, 711 SW 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97205

Donations to help make additional events more feasible are gratefully accepted.

for more information, call 503.762.6387 or visit



music listening and synchronicity – in concert together

DAVID SALMINEN – in concert – cosmic piano improvisations

Experiences in Synchronicity

Sunday, March 30, 2014, 3 pm
Portland Piano Company, 711 SW 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97205

David’s concerts invite the audience to play with the possibilities of opening up to the wholeness of life – known and unknown, big and small, friend and foe. This wholeness is often thought of in metaphorical terms as the river of time. Yet, the experiences of meaningful coincidence labeled as synchronicity are not necessarily dependent on time relations. People, events and sensations flow into and out of one’s present moment embrace, and there is a constant re-mixing and re-blending into new harmonies of meaning beyond passing sensations. While music itself is the very symbol of harmony, the kinds of harmony we speak of here are merely reflected in music as such. New harmonies of various kinds are discovered in listening, really listening… When listening becomes a general attitude of receptiveness towards the mystery – beyond, within, or between sounds and sound patterns – something different from music is possible. At his concerts, David always shares some tips on how to listen “fresh” and notice new things… the audience members are free to make their own discoveries:

“Unconstrained by concepts of necessary harmony, repetitions or fixed rhythms, the music swells into the space, forming a matrix for an intense experience of group meditation. We, the listeners, become the music.” Cheryl Kolander, author/artist, Aurora Silk
Donations or sponsorships to help support these musical discovery events are greatly appreciated.

for more information, call 503.762.6387 or visit

related ideas and resonance:


Ralph Waldo Emerson quotatation re synchronicity

“There is a difference between one and another hour of life in their authority and subsequent effect. Our faith comes in moments; our vice is habitual. Yet is there a depth in those brief moments, which constrains us to ascribe more reality to them than to all other experiences .  For this reason, the argument, which is always forthcoming to silence those who conceive extaordinary hopes of man, namely, the appeal to experience, is forever invalid and vain. A mightier hope abolishes despair. We give up the past to the objector, and yet we hope… We grant that human life is mean; but how did we find out that it was mean? What is the ground of this uneasiness of ours, of this old discontent? … The most exact calculator has no prescience that somewhat incalculable may not baulk the very next moment.” (from the essay “The Over-Soul”, published in Emerson’s first Essay series, 1841)

For my part, especially in terms of music, it was extraordinary moments of “authority” that I experienced at performances under special circumstances – both others’ and my own – that began to give me solid data, internally, of the existence of other worlds – or of, shall we say, layers and levels to reality-so-called – that have had a magnificent “subsequent effect”. It is the continuation of that awakening, some 40-odd years ago now, that pushes me forward still to present music-meditation-concerts at the present time. If you’re in or near Portland, I hope you can join us for the pursuit of “Experiences in Synchronicity”  Sunday 3/30/14 at 3 pm, at the Portland Piano Company, Portland, Oregon. Admission is free – donations to support these events are gratefully appreciated.

synchronicities – where “time is not explicit” (as in memories)

DAVID SALMINEN – in concert Sunday, March 30, 2014, 3 pm

Portland Piano Company, 711 SW 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97205

cosmic piano improvisations exploring…
Experiences in Synchronicity
Donations to help make additional events more feasible are gratefully accepted.
For more information, call 503.762.6387 or visit
“Unconstrained by concepts of necessary harmony, repetitions or fixed rhythms, the music swells into the space, forming a matrix for an intense experience of group meditation. We, the listeners, become the music.” Cheryl Kolander, author/artist, Aurora Silk

related ideas and resonance:

3/20/2014 Apropos equinox, earlier today a friend of mine reminded me of the now “classic” electronic music album “Equinoxe” – released in 1978 by the French musician Jean Michel Jarre… and I found myself remembering the first time I had heard the album… I hope you don’t mind a little anecdote… When I was studying classical piano performance up in Alaska in the 1970’s with the French-born maestro Jean-Paul Billaud, he would sometimes invited the piano “master class” up to his house in the foothills of the Chugach Mountains to listen to music on a good stereo – and to help us develop our musical friendships, I suppose. Sometimes he would have us play a game of “drop the needle”, where he would put some obscure piano concerto or sonata on the record player, and then “drop the needle” somewhere in the middle… and have us guess at the composer and work… it was a fun musical “detective” game. And it was a great way to begin to be able to identify “markers” of the different stylistic eras, composers, and even the life phases of a particular composer. And in terms of Equinoxe – at the end of one of these sessions, Jean-Paul introduced us to the music of the then young Jarre, and the brand-new-at-that-time Equinoxe recording. I had to run out to the record store later and get my own copy. I still have it, and it’s still one of my favorites! Who doesn’t love “the seasons” of our changes, individually, collectively, and cosmically!

announcement: the Portland “Synchronicity” concert 3/30/2014

The Second Law of Synchronicity – David Salminen – live in concert – exploratory piano improvisations

Sunday, March 30, 2014, 3 pm
Portland Piano Company, 711 SW 14th Ave. Portland, OR 97205

This concert is a chance to listen to music under special conditions which may facilitate the perception of synchronicities (before, during, and after the event). There is little needed in the way of explanation, but some explanation is in order:

The First Law of Synchronicity is the principle of Common Presence – the feeling of simply being here together in this moment, not somewhere else, and not later than… this moment! Being is the operative word.

The Second Law of Synchronicity is the phenomenon of Mutual Adjustment – without the necessity of a before and after process in time. We’ve all seen or heard this kind of thing somewhere, as in the synchronized flight of a flock of birds (especially murmuration) and in really “tight” performances by musical groups.

With a little bit of luck, this unique concert will facilitate special individual experiences within the heart-mind – one’s own personal meaning factory – of what is going on both within us and around us, synchronistically. Connections and insights arise out of music spontaneously, when time & space have been set aside for such experiences.

Diving into the sound stream, as in a concert of this kind, and catching and releasing various things along the way, is done by way of analogy to the cosmic process. This process, like the famous I Ching of the Chinese people, is a “book of changes” – gradual, sudden, recurrent, unique, and so on – and all of it merely part of the flow. The ideas inspiring this concert come in part out of the Wilhelm/Baynes translation of the I Ching, a book which has been a friend of the performer’s for over forty years. The 1949 forward to the book, by C. G. Jung, aptly describes the mystery of synchronicity in contemporary terms, as in the following on page xxiv. “The ancient Chinese mind contemplates the cosmos in a way comparable to that of the modern physicist, who cannot deny that his model of the world is a decidedly psychophysical structure.”

My brief notes re “The Laws of Synchronicity” (actually six in number) are adapted from The Dramatic Universe, a four-volume work by J. G. Bennett, section 10.26.3. He cites Jung’s I Ching forward, in this choice bit clarifying synchronicity as denoting:  “a peculiar interdependence of objective events among themselves, as well as with the subjective (psychic) state of the observer or observers.”

Donations to help make additional events like this more feasible are gratefully accepted. For more information, please call 503.762.6387 or visit